Categories: Cocktails

Spicy Ginger Daiquiri

As always, I’m a huge fan of the daiquiri. Simple to make, simple to fuck up, daiquiris traditionally contain just three ingredients: rum, lime juice, and sugar. Now that I’m home all the time, I’ve been able to invest a bit more time into making drinks than I used to. As part of that, I’ve started making ginger syrup more and tinkering with recipes that call for it. I originally started with doing the Death and Co way, peeling and grating by hand, but it was time consuming and laborious, so I opted instead for peeling and food processor-ing it. Much easier! Will post a writeup with more details on the technique soon.

A few weeks ago we also snagged a bottle of DOK, the legendary high-ester marque from Hampden Estates. Dok is one of the funkiest Jamaican rums in the world. It’s unaged and tough to drink on its own, but can be lovely used in trace amounts in a cocktail. It’s somewhat similar to Laphroaig in some drinks in that regard, where you just want a bit of the smell or sense for it. I opted for a full .25 oz pour in this one, however.

I punched up the ginger syrup a bit over what a daiquiri would generally call for, and found that it came together with a barspoon of banana liqueur.


  • 2 oz Smith and Cross
  • .25 oz DOK Trelawny
  • .75 oz Ginger Syrup
  • .75 oz Lime Juice
  • Barspoon of Banana Liqueur


Cocktail Glass


  • Add all ingredients to a cocktail shaker with ice
  • Shake and strain into chilled cocktail glass
Michael L

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