Categories: Cocktails

The 1831 Cocktail

We wrote a little while ago about the Lion and the Rose cocktail which is one of the first Gaz Regan creations we attempted a few years back. Now that our back bar has grown considerably we’re able to make more drinks from the impressive little app without having to schlep to the store to find a random ingredient. For those who aren’t familiar with Gaz, he was formerly a bartender, and wrote a bi-weekly cocktail for the San Francisco chronicle.

Gaz’s app is filled with excellent drinks and it’s one of the best built cocktail apps I’ve seen. It’s easy to enter in your inventory, and the app shows you what you can make with the bottles you currently have on hand, what you can make if you had one more ingredient, etc.

The 1831 was originally created by Tim Laferla of the, now closed, Bam Bou bar in London.

“I created this drink in celebration of Martell cognac’s tri-centenary this year, with the vision of becoming a ‘future classic.’ It’s a simple drink with bold flavours that celebrate all the different aroma and taste notes that one looks for in a great VSOP cognac. The name 1831 refers to the year that the house of Martell first released their VSOP expression.”


  • 1.66 oz Cognac (Martell VSOP)
  • .66 oz Cocchi Vermouth di Tornio
  • .25 oz Cherry Heering
  • 2 dashes Coffee Bitters


Cocktail Glass


  • Add to mixing tin with ice.
  • Stir and strain into cocktail glass.
Michael L

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