The Cooking Banana Cocktail

Plantains are never the stars of the show. The starchy cooking bananas are a lot like the malt that makes malt whisky. It takes a process to turn sweet.

Bananarac Cocktail

One thing I sometimes fantasize about is doing the Julie & Julia version of cocktails. To be honest, I have never watched the movie, but I know the gist of it: some girl named Julie recreates all of Julia Child’s …

Cognac French 75

This weekend we went to Boulibar, a new-ish restaurant in San Francisco’s Ferry Building. On the whole it was expensive and nothing special, but I enjoyed their take on a French 75, which substitutes Cognac for Gin and with the …

The Cognac Cocktail

Early cocktails in the 1800s were mostly based on a simple formula: a base spirit, a sweetener, a sour and bitters. The old fashioned (simply just an “old fashioned whiskey cocktail”) and its many cousins are riffs on this simple …

Red Eye

Original cocktail from Jim Meehan designed for the Amex Centurion Lounge