Categories: Cocktails

Getting Lost in the Woods

This drink comes from a bar in Lithuania, by way of /u/seanloreaux2 on Reddit. The original calls for 2 oz Oban, 0.5 oz pine infused simple syrup, 0.25 oz Fernet and 0.25 oz peated scotch (marked as optional but the more peat the merrier!)

Getting Lost in the Woods – courtesy of Reddit

Because we didn’t have any Oban on hand (it’s fine in a pinch but nothing I’d buy for daily consumption) and because we didn’t have any spruce tips on hand, we ended up with a few substitutions. We used Finlaggan Port for the base (ideally, the peat would have been even more tempered than Finlaggan, but the sweetness from the port helped balance the flavors) and a modified simple (2/3rd simple and 1/3 of our Douglas Fir liqueur).

The original Reddit post has some good discussions on the thread, with folks testing out Rosemary infused simple as well.


Getting Lost in the Woods

Herbal cocktail featuring Scotch whisky and fernet
Course Cocktail
Prep Time 5 minutes


  • 2 oz Aged lightly peated Scotch whisky (Finlaggan Port)
  • .5 oz Pine Simple Syrup
  • .25 oz Fernet
  • .25 oz Peaty Islay Scotch (Port Charlotte)


  • Add all ingredients to to cocktail shaker
  • Stir and strain into cocktail glass

Pine simple syrup

  • Heat water until boiling
  • Measure 1 cup of water, and mix with 1 cup of sugar, best to do this when the water is hot rather than before so you don't mess up the ratio due to evaporation.
  • Add 1 part Douglass Fir brandy for every 2 parts simple syrup
Michael L

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